Buck Winn
A canvas reproduction of the mural The History of Ranching created by Buck Winn for the Pearl Brewery in San Antonio, TX in 1950 hangs in the RRC Library.
At 280 feet, the original mural was considered the longest mural in the world at the time. The brewery commissioned the work to hang in the Corral, an oval-shaped hospitality room. It hung in the Pearl Corral for about 20 years when the new owners decided to remodel in the early 1970s. In the early 1990s, Dr. Dorey Schmidt of Wimberley, tracked down the mural at the brewery which then donated the panels to the Wimberley Institute of Cultures. The Wittliff Collections in the Albert B. Alkek Library at Texas State University received two of the panels as gifts and purchased a third from the Wimberley Institute of Cultures in the late 1990s. In 2020 these three panels were restored and mounted for permanent display on the main floor of the Alkek Library in San Marcos, TX.