Online Resource Grants

The purpose of the online  resource grants is to enable the purchasing of larger one-time online resources. All faculty & librarians are eligible to submit proposals. For the 2022-2023 academic year, $155,000 is budgeted for these online collections.

One-time purchases typically include but are not limited to primary source databases, journal backfile collections, e-book collections, audio or streaming media collections. A few possibilities are listed on our possible resource page. Please contact Paivi Rentz ( by February 15 if you'd like pricing or trials for other products. 


  • The resource should be online, accessible by the entire campus, and come with persistent access rights.
  • The resource must  be a one-time purchase. Grant funds cannot be used to support ongoing subscriptions or temporary access to a subscription resource.
  • The resource should enhance the library collection and strengthen research initiatives.
  • All things being equal, priority is given to higher ticket items over inexpensive ones. The library may be able to purchase less expensive items with end-of-year funds.
  • Faculty and librarians are eligible to submit proposals.

Review Criteria

  • Value/Anticipated Use of the Resource: Priority is given to resources that benefit many departments or programs or greatly benefit one area. However, the resource does not need to be multi-disciplinary. The intent is that all subject areas be represented over the years.
  • Uniqueness: Priority is given to resources that enhance the library's collection rather than duplicate or overlap with existing collections.

Submission deadline: February 28, 2023

Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

The review committee consists of 2-3 members of the Faculty Senate Library Committee, a previous recipient, and two librarians.


Dec - Feb 28: Applications are accepted
March 1 - 15: Application review
End of March: Grants are announced
April - May: Resources are ordered