Digital Scholarship & Research

The University Libraries offer a variety of tools and resources open to all TXST scholars to help at any stage of the research process.

Institutional Repository

The Research and Scholarship Repository collects, preserves, and distributes scholarly and creative works produced by the Texas State University community. This includes articles, books, hosted journals, presentations, reports, and theses. Managed by the University Libraries, the repository enables researchers to share their work openly and ensure long-term accessibility. By utilizing the repository, research from the university is more easily discoverable benefiting both the academic community and the public.

Research Data Management

The University Libraries collaborate with university partners to connect researchers with the necessary tools, resources, and expertise for data management at every stage, from planning to archiving. Our goal is to promote best practices and tools that save time, protect data, and enhance research impact. We offer in-depth guidance on Data Management plans and strategies for organizing and curating data throughout the research lifecycle.

Digital Publishing

The University Libraries provides open journal hosting services to all TXST faculty, staff, and students. Through our membership in the Texas Digital Library consortium, journals are published using Open Journals System (OJS), an open-source editorial management and publishing system. OJS provides a professional online presence and can be used to manage some or all of the stages of the journal publishing process: submissions, peer review, the editorial process, online publishing, and indexing. Articles are licensed for reuse using a Creative Commons license.

Digital Exhibits

The University Libraries offer Omeka S, an online tool for curating digital exhibits that enrich the presentation of research and collections from the university community. This tool enables users to organize and display text, audio, video, and images, showcasing the intellectual interpretation of various items and their connections to research. The Libraries provide hosting options and technical support for Omeka, facilitating the creation of media-rich digital exhibits. This platform enhances access, collaboration, and the contextualization of digital media collections in a curatorial manner.

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