There are a variety of types of workstations in Alkek One. The GeoSpace area has large curved screens perfect for doing GIS and mapping work when the room is not being used for instruction. No reservation required.
The DesignSpace has both Mac and Windows computers loaded with the latest 2D and 3D design and video editing software. You can checkout a mouse, keyboard and stylus from the Alkek One desk.
If you prefer a dark space, the area behind the stairs is equipped with standard campus workstations.
Alkek Computer Resources

First Floor Workstations
Second Floor Workstations
No Reservation Required
Available for patron use on the second floor (first-come, first-served).
- 130 Windows workstations
- Color and B&W print stations
- Accessibility workstation

Ask Alkek Desk Laptop Checkout
Available for Current Students, Faculty and Staff
Laptop computers may be checked out from the Checkout Desk on the second floor also known as the Ask Alkek Desk.
4th Floor Instruction Classroom
Room 440 and Room 452 - No Reservation Required
Instruction classrooms on the fourth floor provide 70 additional workstations for patrons when there is not a class in session. Rooms 440 and 452 will have signs that indicate the class schedule. Please be sure to check to see when a class will be using the space before you get too comfortable. Patrons will be asked to clear the room when a class is moving in.

Fifth Floor Workstations
No Reservation Required
There are currently a few open-use Windows PCs available for use and a printer on the tucked behind the stacks on the south end of the floor.
Sixth Floor Workstations
No Reservation Required
There are computer workstations and a printer tucked behind the stacks on the north end of the floor.