Library Experts
University Libraries experts are here to support your research and teaching. Partner with us for guidance on publishing, conducting research, and teaching information literacy!
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Gabriella L Alderete-CruzAlderete-CruzGabriellaLibrarianEmail:
Gab is the Digital Initiatives Librarian and is located in Alkek Library.
Isabelle AntesAntesIsabelleLibrarianEmail:
An expert in finding Open Educational Resources (OER), creating OER, developing open education project plans, open vs affordable learning materials, and open education advocacy. Contact Isabelle and find more information about OER here.
Mark J BlairBlairMarkMusic LibrarianEmail: 245-9661
Mark is the Music Librarian located in the Music Library in the Music Building. Contact Mark and find more information on his Profile page.
Tricia BoucherBoucherTriciaLibrarianEmail: 245-2685
An expert in information and digital literacies, research assignment creation, Open Pedagogy, online learning, and gamification. Contact Tricia and find out more information on her profile page.
Noah BrockBrockNoahCoordinator, MakerSpaceEmail: 408-2867
An expert in 3D modeling, design, digital fabrication, and converting ideas to real life. Find more information about the MakerSpace and schedule an appointment here.
William M CatesCatesWilliamLibrary SpecialistEmail:
An expert in 3D modeling, robotic control interface and programming, electronic circuitry fabrication, and concept design.
Hithia DavisDavisHithiaPrinter IEmail: 245-7124
An expert in scanning, preparing, and printing large format documents.
Julian J DelarosaDelarosaJulianHe/Him/His/HimselfProgrammer Analyst IEmail:
An expert in augmented reality, virtual reality, and interactive 3D web technology.
Dr. Erin K DorrellDorrellErinShe/Her/Hers/HerselfLibrarianEmail: erin.dorrell@txstate.eduALK 301
Erin is the Undergraduate Research Librarian and also works closely with the Honors College and a variety of STEM disciplines. She provides research consultations and library instruction sessions aimed to supporting the needs undergraduate students incur as they develop and undertake their own research agendas.
Taylor R GloverGloverTaylorLibrarianEmail: taylorglover@txstate.eduALKEK 301 F
Taylor is the Resident First Year Experience Librarian for the University Libraries.
Anthony GuardadoGuardadoAnthonyAdministrative LibrarianEmail: 716-4701
Anthony is the head of the Round Rock Campus Library. He also provides research assistance and library instruction for classes held at the Round Rock Campus. Contact Anthony and find out more information on his profile page.
Roberto Gutierrez Jr.GutierrezRobertoLibrary SpecialistEmail: 245-3886
Expert in collection and curation of oral histories and archival preservation.
Karina A MartinMartinKarinaShe/Her/Hers/HerselfLibrarianEmail:
Karina is the Student Success Librarian for University Libraries.
Harley C Miller Jr.MillerHarleyDigital Design SpecialistEmail: 245-3911
Harley is the Digital Design Specialist in the Alkek One Design Space. Contact Harley and find out more about the space and schedule an appointment for help here.
Sophia A MosbeMosbeSophiaLibrarianEmail: smosbe@txstate.eduAlkek Library(512) 408-8824
Sophia is the Research Engagement Librarian and is part of the Scholarly Resources Department.
Dr. Khoi NguyenNguyenDr. KhoiEmerging Technology SupervisorEmail:
An expert in augmented reality, virtual reality, and interactive 3D web technology. Contact Khoi and find out more information about immersive technology here.
Arlene V SalazarSalazarArleneLibrarianEmail: 245-3844
Arlene is the Collections Librarian. She can help with research in Education (C&I and CLAS), Health & Human Performance (Public Health, Exercise & Sports Science, Recreation Studies), and Social Work. She also manages Alkek Library's Juvenile Collection and can help with research related to children's & young adult literature. Contact Arlene and find more information on her Profile Page
Tara SmithSmithTaraLibrarianEmail: 245-1636
An expert in teaching the basics of copyright, how to find and use Creative Commons licensed/public domain images and other content for publication, presentation, and educational purposes, how to give attribution, and how to give one’s own work a Creative Commons license. Tara is also the Liaison Librarian for the College of Fine Arts & Communication. Subject specialties include Anthropology, Art and Design, Communication Studies, and Interior Design. She also manages Alkek's Graphic Novel Collection and the Zine Collection. Contact Tara and find more information on her Profile Page.
Audrey N StewartStewartAudreyAsst Dir, LibrarianEmail:
Audrey is the Assistant Director for Information Literacy and Instruction. She is an expert in information literacy concepts and instruction including universal design for learning, classroom engagement, and assessment. She is excited about the intersection of libraries and learning in multiple avenues.
Gwendolyn ThompsonThompsonGwendolynLibrarianEmail: 716-4706
Wendy is an Evening Reference and Instruction Librarian at the Round Rock Campus Library and the College of Health Professions Liaison. They also provide research assistance and library instruction for classes held at the Round Rock Campus. Contact Wendy and find more information on their Profile Page.
Stephanie ToweryToweryStephanieAdministrative LibrarianEmail: 408-3564
An expert in copyright and other aspects of information policy, including plagiarism, privacy, and the ethical uses of information. Contact Stephanie and find more information on her Profile Page.
Kristin Van DiestVan DiestKristinAdministrative LibrarianEmail:
Kristin is Head of Special Collections and Archives.
Margaret A VaverekVaverekMargaretLibrarianEmail: 245-2352
Margaret is the liaison to the Colleges of Liberal Arts and Applied Arts. Contact Margaret and find more information on her Profile Page.
Laura WaughWaughLauraAssociate University LibrarianEmail: 408-2351
An expert in digital repositories, metadata, digital preservation, and open digital initiatives.
Jess WilliamsWilliamsJessDirector, Learning EngagementEmail: 245-2133
An expert in Open Education, digital pedagogy, academic library service models, personal knowledge management, and leadership development.
Kira L Wright-LealWright-LealKiraShe/Her/Hers/HerselfSupv, Instructional MediaEmail: 245-1014
Kira is the You Star Studios Supervisor in Alkek One. Contact Kira and find out more information about the You Star Studios here.
Dr. Xuan ZhouZhouDr. XuanEmail:
An expert in data management through the whole research life cycle, including data management plan, organization, preservation, and sharing. Find out more on the Research Data Management webpage.